Seat Belt Law Enforcement
When states enact
primary enforcement seat belt laws, usage rates rise 10-15
percentage points. (NHTSA, 2003). Usage rates for child
restraints in Louisiana rose from to 45 to 75.2% in 2006.
The NHTSA also documents that in the period between 2001
to 2006 seat belt usage rates in Texas have climed 15%.
In 1985 Texas's safety
belt laws went into effect. Texas law requires drivers and
front seat passengers in all vehicles to be secured by a
safety belt. Children under 17 years old must be secured
with a safety belt or in a child safety seat, whether they
are sitting in the front or back seat. A child under five
years old and less than 36 inches tall must ride in a child
safety seat. A safety belt violation can result in fines
ranging from $25 to $200, plus court costs.