Defensive Driving Traffic
Safety Tips
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Texas Approved Defensive Driving
Course for Ticket Dismissal and Insurance Discount
Feelings and Emotions Quiz |
- Characteristics and behaviors of drivers which affect
driving performance are
a. Aggressive driving
b. Alcohol intoxication
c. Knowledge of driving laws and procedures
d. All of the above
- If you want to arrive at your destination safely, you
a. Stay calm
b. Focus on your own driving
c. Deal effectively with other drivers who are not staying
d. All of the above
- Before you get in the car, you should plan ahead to
allow sufficient travel time. Being late causes drivers
a. Speed
b. Become tense
c. Become aggressive
d. All of the above
- Which of these is NOT a characteristic of aggressive
a. Following too closely (tail gaiting)
b. Running red lights
c. Driving friendly
d. Unsafe passing
- If you encounter aggressive drivers
a. Stay away from them
b. Don’t let their bad behavior cause you to behave
badly and dangerously
c. If you feel threatened, dial 911
d. All of the above