3D Defensive Driving

Defensive Driving Traffic Safety Tips

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Texas Approved Defensive Driving Course for Ticket Dismissal and Insurance Discount

Logging Off

It is very important to use Log On and Log Off correctly or some of your work may be lost.

The Log Off button is located in the upper left portion of the page. Be sure to Log Off when you decide to leave the course. This will insure that our system is fully updated and your full progress has been recorded. If you don't use the Log Off button to leave the 3D DefensiveDriving.com course the system cannot record progress you made on the last topic covered.

You will be automatically logged off if:

  • Seven minutes pass and there has been no activity. If you plan on leaving the course for more then 7 minutes, just Log Off and you will save your progress up to that point.
  • If you close your browser the system will also log you off and your work will be lost.

Your progress on the last topic will not be saved if the system logs you off, so when you are finished for the day, or go have lunch or make some phone calls, just Log Off and then Log On when you are ready to resume work.